In the Spotlight: Devani Genardi

Name: Devani Genardi
Title: Interactive Developer
Location: San Jose, Costa Rica
Favorite Quote/Motto: Excuses make today easy, but tomorrow harder. Discipline makes today hard, but tomorrow easier.

What does your usual workday tend to look like?

I start my day by checking emails and Slack chats to see what tasks I have outstanding or what clients and team members I need to follow up with. As a front-end developer, I spend the rest of my day coding. Whether I’m building websites, HTML emails, or banners, I’m constantly looking for ways to incorporate my creativity into the project. With a degree in Advertising Design and experience in print design for billboards, I have a broader understanding of how to manage assets in terms of scale and specs, so I’m also able to support our designers throughout the process as well.

How would you describe your job to a bunch of kindergarteners?

I am in charge of creating the websites you see on the computer and the advertisements that pop up when you’re on one!

What are some skills you’re known for within the Assemble team?

I’m a great multi-tasker, so I have no problem working on multiple projects at a time. And since I have experience across graphic design, project coordination, and frontend development, I’m able to understand every layer of a project and bring a creative and strategic eye to the technical work.

I will say that building websites is definitely my favorite type of project. The specific type of coding they require can be very challenging and fun for me.

What do you love about working for Assemble?

Our leadership team is awesome; Scott, Geudy, and Kristy are all such compassionate people. They’re very laid back and trusting, so they give me the liberty to try different things and problem solve more creatively. And I think that really works because of how organized and efficient everything runs. We have such strong internal operations that makes it easier and more enjoyable to get things done.

I also love being remote because it gives me flexibility to work from wherever. I focus best when I am by myself without distractions, so I like being able to choose the type of environment I work in depending on the task.

What motivates you professionally?

I love to learn! I turned a sudden interest in technology into an entire career by teaching myself everything about web development. I am very disciplined when it comes to focus and getting my work done, and I pride myself on producing quality work.

What are your favorite things to do in your free time?

Thanks to our very own Jose Montealegre, I’ve become a CrossFit enthusiast! It’s my favorite way to stay fit, other than soccer. I enjoy playing whenever I can, and when I’m not playing, I’m watching Messi work his magic. When it’s not the rainy season here in Costa Rica, I like getting out to the mountains or the beach, which is an easy 90-min drive away.

When I’m just relaxing, I’ll binge watch movies. I’m all about Sci-Fi, time travel, anime — the geeky stuff. And I have a major sweet tooth, specifically Ben & Jerry’s Brownie ice cream and Spoon’s chocolate cake. I visit my mom in California once a year, and they have such a better selection there! So I always buy all the flavors I can’t get at home and dive in.

If you could only have one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Pizza with lots of pepperoni!

What’s one thing you could talk about for hours?

Space, physics, and matter — anything related to science! I’m no expert, but I do love reading about it and watching videos online whenever I can. So anyone who wants to discuss, I’m all about it.

Who is someone you really admire? Why?

Jordan Peterson. He’s a Canadian psychologist and writer who studies people and behavior. It’s just something that has always interested me, and the way he speaks is so clear and eloquent, he can help anyone understand complicated topics. I find it very motivational.

If you won a million dollars, what is the first thing you would buy?

I would set up a personal account with enough money to live easy the rest of my life, and then devote the rest to helping people in need.

What would you tell your younger self if you could?

Exercise more, go out less! I only really got into fitness in my 30’s, and only with age did I truly realize the importance of it. I would definitely force my younger self to get a head start!


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San José





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